Slats Animation

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Supplies Right Click and Save the Slats PNG Tube

Open 400 x 400 transparent image.

Open the slats tube.

Click on a 400 x 400 to activate it.

Selections / select all.

Right click the slats tube and choose copy.

Right click on your 400 x 400 and paste into selection.

Selections / select none.

Close of original slat tube.

Layer palette right click and duplicate until you have 2.

Open a background of your choice.

Right click on background and choose copy.

Click on your slats tube layer / selections / select all / float / defloat

Right click and paste into selection.

Selections/ select none.

Close of original background.

With your slat tubes background selected Layers / Arrange / Send to Bottom.

Right click on bottom layer and rename bg1.

Right click on bg1 and duplicate until you have 5.

Right click and rename these bg1, bg2, bg3, bg4, bg5 

X out all these layers bg 1-5

Click on top layer your black slats tube one Selections / Select All

/ Float and Defloat.

On keyboard press delete until the only thing you see is marching ants.

Tools / Flood Fill Tool

Fill your selected layer with a nice Gradient use your own settings

Selections / Select none

Click Pan

Right click and duplicate until you have 5

Start from the top of your Layer Palette and Rename L1, L2, L3, L4, L5

Now X out all the Layers

Un X L1 and Activate it

Tools / Magic Wand / Mode Add (Shift) / Match Mode RGB Value /

Tolerance 40

You will see 5 Columns which are filled with your Gradient

Click on the Last 4 Columns to select the Ants

Press Delete on your Keyboard

Selections / Select None

Now X out L1

Un X L2 and activate

Use your Magic Wand and Click on the First Column and the last 3

Press Delete on your Keyboard

Selections / Select None

X out L2

Un X L3 and activate

Use your Magic Wand and Click on the First 2 Columns and Last 2

Columns leaving the center one untouched

Press Delete on your Keyboard

Selections / Select None

X out L3

Un X L4 and activate

Use your Magic Wand and Click on the First 3 columns and last column

Press Delete on your Keyboard

Selections / Select None

X out L4

Un X L5 and activate

Use your Magic Wand and Click on the First 4 Columns and Delete the Last one

Selections / Select None

Click Pan

X out all the layers

Un X L1 and activate

Effects / 3d Effects /Drop Shadow / V2, H3, Op 100, B0, Black Ok

Un X L2 and activate

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / same settings.

Un X L3 and Activate

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / same settings.

Un X L4 and Activate

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / same settings.

Un X L5 and Activate

 Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / same settings.

X out all the L layers.

Un X all the Bg 1-5 layers and add the same drop shadow on each

Bg layer.

Now X out all the layers.

Activate L1 and Un X and also Un X Bg1 layers / merge visible

X out merged.

Activate L2 and Un X and also Un X Bg2 layers / merge visible

X out merged.

Activate L3 and Un X and also Un X Bg3 layers / merge visible

X out merged.

Activate L4 and Un X and also Un X Bg4 layers / merge visible

X out merged.

Activate L5 and Un X and also Un X Bg5 layers / merge visible

X out merged.

Activate Top merged right click and rename bg1.

Activate next merged right click and rename bg2.

Activate next merged right click and rename bg3.

carry on until you have renamed them all bg1, bg2, bg3, bg4, bg5.

Activate bg1 and Un X all the other layers.

Open a Tube right click and copy close Original Tube.

In layer palette activate the Tube layer and X out the Copyright layer.

Right click on tube and choose copy.

Activate bg1 and right click and paste as a new layer.

Tools / deform to resize and position the tube.

Click pan to deselect deform tool.

Minimise tube for now.

Tube layer Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow / V1, H1, Op100, B8, Black Ok.                                
Right click on the Tube and duplicate until you have 5.

Start at the top rename t1, t2, t3, t4, t5.

X out all layers.

Activate t1 Un x and Un x bg1 layers / merge visible x out merged.

Activate t2 Un x and Un x bg2 layers / merge visible x out merged.

Activate t3 Un x and Un x bg3 layers / merge visible x out merged.

Activate t4 Un x and Un x bg4 layers / merge visible x out merged.

Activate t5 Un x and Un x bg5 layers / merge visible Un x all layers.

Rename all merged layers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Activate 1 and Unminimise tube activate Copyright layer.

Copy and paste copyright as new layer onto 1 use the deform tool to

Position and resize.

Click pan and deselect deform.

Close of tube Activate Copyright right click and duplicate until you have 5.

Activate and rename all 5 copyright layers starting from the first one

Rename cr1, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr5 X out all layers.

Un x cr1 and activate un x 1 merge visible x out merged

Un x cr2 and activate un x 2 merge visible x out merged

Un x cr3 and activate un x 3 merge visible x out merged

Un x cr4 and activate un x 4 merge visible x out merged

Un x cr5 and activate un x 5 merge visible x out merged

Rename all merged starting from the top rename 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Activate 1 choose the big A text tool settings / vector/ direction first/

  Font any / size any /stroke width 1

Material palette choose your colours in foreground and background box

write your name and click apply.  Move into position, resize if needed using the 

corner nodes.

Effects / 3d Effects/ Drop Shadow/ V1, H3, Op100, B0, Black, Ok.

layer palette duplicate until you have 5.

Rename all the font layers f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 x out all layers.

Activate and un x f1 + 1 merge visible x out merged.

Activate and un x f2 + 2 merge visible x out merged.

Activate and un x f3 + 3 merge visible x out merged.

Activate and un x f4 + 4 merge visible x out merged.

Activate and un x f5 + 5 merge visible x out merged.

Add your watermark the same way

Un x all merged / file save as give a name / save type as animation psp

Or psp 7 format.

Open animation shop.

Open your saved image.

Edit / select all.

Click on Animation icon top right next to the arrow and ? To test it works

Click on the same icon to deactivate animation.

File new open a 400 x 400 white image instead of selecting transparent select 

opaque and in the box choose white or any

Colour you want.

Edit / duplicate selected until you have 5 / edit /select all.

Click on the image frames edit / select all right click and copy.

Right click on the white frames and paste into selected frame position then 

left click.

Go to the word animation and frame properties.

change the number to slow your animation down the higher the number the 


the animation then click Ok.

file save as give a name save type as Gif.

When a box opens click next, next until it is saved.

This Tutorial was created  by ©Mally on Tuesday 30 May 2006

Upgraded on Tuesday 07 February 2012

And is the property of


It may not be reproduced in another other format or


 Without the Express Written Consent of the Creator.